What you need:
- A blank paper
How it works:
- As you sit in your group of people, the facilitator will start by passing the blank paper to his right and ask the person: “Is it open or closed?”
- Obviously, the person will not know the answer and only guess. By guessing they should try and figure out the rule of the game.
- It is the facilitators job to tell the group if they are right or wrong.
- The paper should continuously be passed to the right, and the person passing should ask the person receiving if it is Open or Closed.
- The rule of the game: It is Open if the person receiving the page’s legs are not crossed; it is Closed if the person receiving the page’s legs are crossed.
- The players are forced to think that it is Open or Closed based on the way they pass the paper.
You will see that they will try to pass the paper in many funny ways.