Praise & Worship
What does it mean to Worship?
Desired Outcomes:
The aim of this uGroup is to lead members to a deeper understanding of what Worship is and why Worship is important for their personal relationship with God
Core Scriptures:
Psalms 140:4-5
John 4:22-24
Romans 12:1-2
Any fun and welcoming Icebreaker that gets the members moving, on their feet, where all the members can participate in. If there are new members be careful not to create a space where they feel exposed or uncomfortable.
The uGroup leader must develop his own revelation and substance around the word. This will guide him/her with some thought points
Questions you can ask:
- What is worship?
To honor or show reverence for as a divine being or supernatural power. To regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion.
In the simplest of terms, worship is ascribing unspeakable value and displaying substantial love to something.
- What are we worshiping?
On any given day, we direct our adoration and devotion to something or to someone. It could be our careers, our spouses, a hobby, or a drive to learn more. It might even be our favorite sports team. There are things that hold a top position in our hearts. Before we can eradicate any thing that is receiving misplaced honor and adoration, first we have to be aware of what it is.
- Why should we worship God?
The reason we worship God is because He is worthy of it. He is worthy of our worship, every single second of every single day. Everything that has breath was created to worship God.
Only God is worthy to receive glory, honor and power, for He is the Creator of the Universe (Revelation 4). We should hold God in such high regard that we adore and cherish Him above all and before all. But in order for us to truly be able to worship God, we must know Him, or we must at least begin the lifelong quest of doing so. God’s Word, the Bible, is full of information about the God we serve.
- In what ways can we Worship God?
⁃ We worship through music.
⁃ We worship by adoring Him.
⁃ We worship by serving His people.
(You can add to the above list)
As a uGroup you can discuss theses ways of Worshiping God:
- We worship through music.
To worship is less about displaying an observable expression and more about possessing an inward disposition. Whether we lift our hands or fall on our faces, our worship should emerge from a heart postured to give God praise.
But worship isn’t for us. If we wonder what we’re getting out of it, then we’ve missed the whole point. (Psalms 150)
- We worship by adoring God.
It’s easy to worship God when we have ample blessings in our lives, and when He says yes to our prayers. We can and we should worship Him for those things! But, first and foremost, we worship Him for who He is. It truly is phenomenal to even comprehend just a portion of who He is.(Psalms 95:4-7)
- We worship by serving God.
In order to serve God, we have to serve the people around us. Why? Because God doesn’t need anything from us. Instead, He wants something for us. So He calls us to serve people. And we’ll never lock eyes with someone whom God doesn’t adore. Those are the people we get to serve.Our aim in serving God is to bring Him glory. Whatever it is and however we’re able, we can serve God by serving others.(Luke 4:8)