Presently Minded About The Future
Desired Outcomes:
The aim of this uGroup is to make the members aware that God called us to be eternally minded about life and the way we walk in life. Sound continues into all eternity; the question is what sound are you echoing into it?
Core Scriptures:
- Job 2:8-10
- 2 Peter 3:8
Any fun and welcoming Icebreaker that gets the members moving, on their feet, where all the members can participate in. If there are new members be careful not to create a space where they feel exposed or uncomfortable.
The uGroup leader must develop his own revelation and substance around the word, this will guide him/her with some thought points.
The uGroup Leader can start off the uGroup by giving an example of a choice or situation that happened/needs to happen in their life in which they had to think about the impact that the choice of that moment could have on their future.
The question that can start the discussion can be structured like:
- Are you eternally or temporal minded?
As discussion flows read the first text:
Job 2:8-10- One moment can change or destroy eternal results. Sometimes life presses and in one moment you can build or destroy your relationship with God. Job could have cursed God as his wife said at that moment, which would have changed his results eternally.
- What does it mean to be eternally minded?
Here the uGroup Leader can test whether the group has an understanding of the difference of temporal and eternal, focusing on the point that God is eternal and what/how we live has an impact on our future.
2 Peter 3:8 - God can do in a moment what could take others a lifetime. One moment with God can change an eternity of results in our life. He can take a moment and turn it into a movement.
- Do you believe your choices have eternal results?
Once again this could be tied to the scripture in Job where Job had to choose to stick with his integrity or fold under the pressure that he is going through and curse God, which would have a negative result in his future and eternity.
You might consider some of the following verses/questions:
- What is the value a moment could have?
Psalm 84:10 - David understood the value of an Eternal moment and the value of it is greater than an eternity without God
Psalm 144:4 - Our lives are but a breath in the scope of eternity which depicts the value of life that God gave us. We have but a short life to make an impact and to do what God has willed fir us to do and be.
Other Pointer Ideas:
To explain that we need to be mindful of eternity, which does not mean that the present is not important. The present is important, and because of that fact our present determines our future. Jesus made one choice to die in our place and it changed eternity for all those who accept him as Lord and Savior.