INTRODUCTION: As Christians, the friendships we build and form, should be determined by our relationship with God. Therefore, as believers, we need to build our life intentionally in the pursuit of the Kingdom of God, and it is of great importance to build and seek relationships with those who will support our purpose and calling and give us guidance in life.
Jesus was accused by religious people to be a friend to sinners.
It is easy to look to scripture for an excuse to remain friends with those who do not live a life fully surrendered and committed to Christ.
Friendships are stable, long-term, unchanging relationships.
Jesus spent time with sinners to bring change.
If our friends continue living lives contradicting the Bible, we are not busy imitating Christ.
Through our friendships we make Jesus known and by the power of the gospel, we can change our friends’ lives.
Jesus is the way the truth and life, and as He sat in the presence of sinners and prostitutes, He changed their lives completely.
The purpose of hanging around friends that are not like-minded is to make them like-minded. (Luke 5:32)
Our friendships should have a purpose.
Jesus changed the room and the people inside the room (tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes) the moment He walked in.
Jesus’ mission was to encounter people and bring change in their lives.
CONCLUSION: We cannot use the excuse ‘Jesus was friends with sinners’ to remain friends with those who do not pursue to have a relationship with Christ. After meeting with sinners, Jesus brought a change in the sinners’ lives. They are no longer sinners but sons and daughters of Christ.
- What is the purpose of friendships?
- With whom did Jesus surround Himself?
- Do you believe Jesus was friends with the sinners?
- Is it important who you surround yourself with?
- What was the purpose of Jesus surrounding Himself with sinners?
Matthew 11:17-19
Luke 5:30-32
Luke 15:1-2