Start searching for God on the inside
Desired Outcomes:
The aim of this uGroup is to help members realize that God is present in our lives and is not far
away from us.
Core Scriptures:
John 15:4
Romans 8:16
Psalm 19:9
Any fun and welcoming Icebreaker that gets the members moving, on their feet, where all the members can participate in. If there are new members be careful not to create a space where they feel exposed or uncomfortable.
The uGroup leader must develop his own revelation and substance around the word, this will guide
him/her with some thought points.
Introduce the message by asking the following questions:
- When we need milk, where do we look? ( In a store)
- Where do we look to get our clothes? ( Inside our closet)
This allows members to think about where God can be found. Link the questions with where we can look for God. He is present in Our lives and is therefore within our hearts. God is not a distant, absent God.
The following argument can be used to explain how God is present in our lives:
Start with the scripture John 15:4. God encourages us to abide in Him and then He will abide in
us. God wants us to trust in Him, without Him we are unable to grow and be fruitful.
To trust someone means that we have faith that the individual will be there in times of need. God
wants us to trust in Him because He promises that He will be there. When we trust in Him we give
Him the ability to work WITHIN us to that WE can grow and be fruitful.
The trust we place in Him allows God to speak truth in our lives. When we trust someone we are
open for their advice because we believe they have our best interest at heart (Ephesians 1:13). By
putting our trust in God we allow Him to speak Truth into our lives, which sheds light upon dark
places and speak truth in areas of our lives where we believe lies (about ourselves, our lives etc.)
(Here you can ask questions on how your attitude toward yourself or a circumstance in your life
changed when you realized your perspective was shaped on a lie you believed)
1 John 4:4 refers to us as children. Children are often naive and easily believe lies, but they hold
on to what people say and mimic the people close to them. When we recognize God as our Father
and allow Him to speak truth into our lives. We allow Him to step into our lives. His truth will
overcome the lies and insecurities they bring because God’s truth is GREATER than that which
comes from the world.
1 John 4:4 also states that He is IN us, emphasizing that God is present in our lives and will not leave us. This shows that God is not distant and when we believe that He is distant we prohibit Him to speak into our lives because we do not allow Him to come close.
This influences our identity and perspectives. As lies make us believe things about ourselves that
are not true in order to prohibit us to grow and step into our purpose. God’s truth however, reveals
to us who He is and therefore also reveals to us who we are. As we are made in His image and in
His likeness. Therefore our identity lies IN HIM and He is IN us.
Also look at the following scriptures:
- Romans 8:16
- Psalms 91:9
- Ephesians 2:22
Other Pointer Ideas:
When reading the scriptures, ask the members what they think and what the understand of the scriptures. This will show what they understand and help address what they do not understand in relation to the topic.
It is good to discuss the aspect of identity and how God influences our identity.