Understanding Kingdom Growth
Desired Outcomes:
The aim of this uGroup is to help members to understand that the harvest comes after the process of growth and to get a better understanding of how growth works
Core Scriptures:
- Mark 4:26-29
Any fun and welcoming Icebreaker that gets the members moving, on their feet, where all the members can participate in. If there are new members be careful not to create a space where they feel exposed or uncomfortable.
The uGroup can be started by asking the following question:
- Why do you think so little people really understand Christianity?
- How does the harvest look in your lives?
It is important to make the topic very simple and easy to understand, and reflecting on it to make it personal to your own experience
Scatter seed:
- there is an action required from our side
- Not intentionally planted but scattered everywhere
- We need to actively incorporate the Kingdom in every aspect of our lives
Should sleep by night and rise by day:
- After scattering the seed you should move on
- After the planting season, you should have faith in the harvest to come
- Forgetting about your inputs and relying on God
The seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how:
- The sprouting and the growth is not initiated by us
- Stop wasting time trying to figure out how God works and start having faith in the promise that He will work
First the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head:
- There is a process
- First the signs of growth (the blade)
- Then the promise of harvest (the head)
- And then fruits of the harvest (the full-grain)
- The promise of the harvest is not the same as the harvest
- Do not get impatient when the promise of the harvest is there but not yet the harvest
- And stop expecting the harvest before the growth
But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle because the harvest has come:
- Time is not wasted when the harvest is ready
- The harvest season is short, otherwise the grain spoils
- The harvest is there to produce more seed for the process to start again
- Exponential growth (1 seed becomes many)
It is important to end with this idea:
- The work you put in will have its harvest, but it is not for you to determine how your inputs will grow
- And when it is time to reap the rewards of your inputs, don't waste time and don’t waste the harvest