Work Your Faith
Desired Outcomes:
The aim of this uGroup is to help members understand that faith is something we need to walk in and act upon rather than only just proclaiming it with empty words. What we believe, we will have.
Core Scriptures:
- Mark 5:21-43
Any fun and welcoming Icebreaker that gets the members moving, on their feet, where all the members can participate in. If there are new members be careful not to create a space where they feel exposed or uncomfortable.
Read the whole passage of scripture as an introduction
The following can be relevant questions to ask:
The father of the girl spoke to Jesus in verse 23.
- What do you think is the father’s view of Jesus?
- Does he seems to be confident in his statement to Jesus? Why do you say so?
- What do you think was the woman’s view of Jesus when she spoke to herself in verse 28?
- Did they both receive what they have believed they will?
- What is your ‘blood crisis’ at the moment?
- Are you looking for Jesus?
- How are you viewing Jesus? Who is He to you?
Points to consider:
- The man believed that Jesus would be able to heal his daughter by coming to his house and lay hands on her.
- The woman believed she would be healed by just touching the robe of Jesus. Without asking. Without being seen. She pressed through the crowd to touch Him. Maybe she knew the power of His presence. If she could only get close enough, that would be enough.
- Two miracles, to different methods. Consider verse 34 and verse 36. What is key to receiving their miracles?
- How you view Jesus and what you believe of Him is what you will have. If you believe He is the Healer, to you, He will be the Healer. If you believe that He is your Provider, for you, He will provide.
- We can only have what we believe.
- The one believed Jesus to come to his house and lay hands. The other one only wanted to come close and touch Jesus (be in His presence) The centurion only needed a word spoken. All received by their level of faith
Supporting scriptures:
- Matt 8:5-13
- James 1:6
- James 2:14-26