Going Through The Process
Desired Outcomes:
The aim of this uGroup is to help members understand that certain things in our lives have different processes.
Core Scripture:
- Gen 37:1-11
Any fun and welcoming Icebreaker that gets the members moving, on their feet, where all the members can participate in. If there are new members be careful not to create a space where they feel exposed or uncomfortable.
Start the message by asking a similar question to these:
- “How do you change a flat tire?” – “What is the process to make lasagne?” (Choose something that will fit in with the group.)
- Ask them if they would agree that there is a specific process to be followed? – You cannot first take off the wheel before loosening the bolts. You cannot bake the lasagne if the oven has not been preheated.
Read Gen 37:1-11
- Why would you think that process is important?
- Would you let the person sitting next to you do an operation on you? Why not?
- Process develops character
- Process brings faith
- The process helps to grow
- We are looking for immediate results. (McDonald's mentality)
- Motivate the members to apply this question to their own lives.
Why don’t we want to go through the process?
- Use an example of your own life, where you had to go through a process and what you experienced in this.
- Being a believer does not make us immune to the process.
- Trials are part of the process
- Trials have a divine purpose
Take some time to find scriptures that reveal that following the process is important. If members aren’t open to talking about their issues, use examples and tell them to help you find scriptures
Additional points:
You might consider talking about the process David had to go through.